Terry Davis - Firestar - Interior

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The trailer is 6 ft wide, 7 ft. high and 24 ft. long inside, insulated with 1" styrofoam and sheeted with 1/8" hardboard. Our's is a heavy snow area and condensation is a constant worry without some insulation inside the trailer. A constantly burning 100 watt lightbulb keeps the trailer moisture free. The trailer's white color and insulation also keep it cool inside in the summer.

During construction the wingholders on the sides of the trailer kept the wings out of harm's way. The lift struts and the gap seal are held in racks on the left side. Holding the dolly centered when the plane is tied down is taken care of by the red bars visible at the front. The winch that runs the back ramp/door is just above the front door at about eye level.