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Oh 2 Fly's HomePage

Over the years, aviating in very small aircraft has changed significantly. From the early days of hang gliders that begat foot launched powered craft to what became known as ultralights, we now have Light Sport Aircraft. The best part is with each new type, we didn't lose the old. All are still around. The numbers have changed, but somewhere, people are still flying all of them. While this site is in no way an attempt to document this evolution, some of it is coincidentally represented on this site.

Here are the things contained in this site.

My Planes - UL to E-LSA Camera Mounts
My Flying Friends Trailering a Kolb 
Kolb Related Web Sites Monument Valley Gatherings
Homer's Fan Club Kolb Flying in Desert SW
High Flight Flying SW FL with Friends

WUFI World Ultralight Fly-In

Click Here for more info


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Thanks and fun, safe flying!

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