Wingtip Mods
Decided to change the shape of the wingtips. No
good reason, except that the owner & I both used to have Maxair
Hummers, and their wingtip shape seemed to contribute to them
being really great flying little ultralights. So now it looks
like this, ailerons reshaped to match. Added a little dihedral,
it flies straight & level hands off.
This seemed like a good time to get really fancy
with the wingtip strobes, & nav lights. First, we needed something
to fit the strobe lights into. This looks like just the right
Glue the Pantene can in, rivit the nav light on,
cover it all with Stits and shrink to fit. Rinse, repeat with
other wing. Glue a row of Superbright white LED's to the trailing
edge and you're good to go!